Last evening my wonderful son-in-law got on his tractor/mower and mowed a path through the tall grasses on the back of the hill where my house nestles.
It‘s my walking place and the place where I ponder and dream……
bless him…
Everything was just tooo tall all of a sudden for me to want to take the dogs & cats out into it…
fox tails, ticks, snakes among the green grass and wild flowers….
He didn’t have time to do the whole hill but when I went out last evening to walk I was surprised ,and touched, to see that he had made little pathways for me to follow around little islands of wild flowers ….he‘s a good guy….and because I could walk I feel much better about the world today.
We have a lot of spots in this glen where the sprites, fairies and Pillywiggins reside……
I was pointing out some secret little places to my grandson one day when the toad stools were just out and he informed me that there were no such things as fairies and such…
His dad said so…(not the same man as Wonderful Son-in-Law)…
He went on to tell me that his dad prays for me (which is nice) because I believe in fairies and other ungodly things…
like torture is bad…
I guess a little of that worldly stuff is hanging on from the other day when I didn‘t walk.
I know that I need to experience magic in my life, and Mother almost always provides places where magic happens….it is one of my missions in life to help my grandson see and believe…..
This it the same grandson who asked me, "Grandma, do you know you talk to yourself?" and of course I said I did, because I do...and I asked him if it troubled him...and he said, "ya, a little bit Grandma."...
Poor boy...he has a grandmother who talks to the fairies and to herself...I wonder how he will remember me when I'm no longer in this realm?
It‘s my walking place and the place where I ponder and dream……
bless him…
Everything was just tooo tall all of a sudden for me to want to take the dogs & cats out into it…
fox tails, ticks, snakes among the green grass and wild flowers….
He didn’t have time to do the whole hill but when I went out last evening to walk I was surprised ,and touched, to see that he had made little pathways for me to follow around little islands of wild flowers ….he‘s a good guy….and because I could walk I feel much better about the world today.
We have a lot of spots in this glen where the sprites, fairies and Pillywiggins reside……
I was pointing out some secret little places to my grandson one day when the toad stools were just out and he informed me that there were no such things as fairies and such…
His dad said so…(not the same man as Wonderful Son-in-Law)…
He went on to tell me that his dad prays for me (which is nice) because I believe in fairies and other ungodly things…
like torture is bad…
I guess a little of that worldly stuff is hanging on from the other day when I didn‘t walk.
I know that I need to experience magic in my life, and Mother almost always provides places where magic happens….it is one of my missions in life to help my grandson see and believe…..
This it the same grandson who asked me, "Grandma, do you know you talk to yourself?" and of course I said I did, because I do...and I asked him if it troubled him...and he said, "ya, a little bit Grandma."...
Poor boy...he has a grandmother who talks to the fairies and to herself...I wonder how he will remember me when I'm no longer in this realm?
Oh dear.
I had a friend that used to pray for me because of the faeries and also because of a couple of my friends who are gay. The operative words in the sentence above, are "..had a friend". I respect everyone's thoughts/opinions on issues, however not when they intrude on how I feel about something.
Hopefully, your grandson as he gets a little older and less impressionable will know that his grandma is a treasure and he will look back and cherish his memories.
I think I'm probably in the same boat with you - talking to yourself as well as the faeries! I'm sure my grandchildren will think I'm some crazy old wild-woman as they get older....but at least they will also know I loved them.
Your flowers are beautiful and I'm sure your walk was heavenly....I always feel better after a stroll through the wildflowers...
Julie, when the Spirit moves, we have to be open to it. When we are children, we see this with clarity and feel it like a soft breeze on the cheek. As we grow older, the daily lives that we lead tend to take us further away from this. Leaving some to reside in a cold shell. It is sad, the loss in beliefs of Faeries, Sprites, Elves and the like are shorted out never to be entertained again. Continue to pass the magic on to your loved ones. It is you gift to give.
Your grandson will one day 'remember', thanks to you and he will think of you with magic in his heart...
Obviously, we will have to teach the little man some good taste!
He will remember you held a door open for him that others have tried to close. He will remember in his heart the pure and open love that you shared with him and the world around you. He will remember your "silly" ways and it will cause him to smile and wish that he had walked with you more or listened in closer to your conversations with the creatures in your world. And should he choose to, he will use this bridge that you have built for him to walk back to that open door in his mind and see what is on the other side.
You are such a gift, and a prayer and a blessing for this child. You are a song that will linger long after you've passed and a love that is obviously so needed in his life.
Keep singing your song, keep walking the paths of your heart and by all means, keep sharing your magic.
You make my heart sing knowing that you're there.
I would guess that, just as you talking to yourself troubles him, so does him being troubled about it, trouble you. Or maybe I'm just projecting.
Sue...While my grandson does voice his fathers opinion that there isn't a fairy land, I think my grandson realizes in my world they do and that he can choose to come along with me or not....and it will do no harm.
Kathy...I bet you agree that there are many worse things we can be remembered as than 'crazy old wild-women' :) wrote, 'As we grow older, the daily lives that we lead tend to take us further away from this.'...this is why I'm so determined to keep the magic alive to my grandson..we all too soon stop taking the time to see it.
Deb two, thank is my hope..I don't have much in the material way to give to him, so it's pretty much all about making memories.
Labybug, your words are pretty humbling...I thank you! You're an inspiration to me as all are. I've received the greatest gifts since starting this blog...I think it is making me a better person at least more thoughtful...I think harder about what is important.
Snow...A little projection on your part...I'm used to talking to myself..I've been doing it forever...I think it's because I'm alone so I'm not too bothered by his being bothered...I just don't want him to worry that it's a bad thing...It isn't is it?
hug, hug
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