Do you know she has never been kissed?...she dedicated her whole life to caring for her mother... Her story is so good, I can hear Hollywood knocking....
Kathy, I've watched several times now because she sings like an angel just like you said...and each time the tears come... I think the pundits are wrong in believing we humans wouldn't tune in to a "good news" program showing our blessings and kindnesses....the things that happen we can cheer for and feel good about humanity. I love miracles and they happen all the time...hug, hug
"We are all creation makers and a new world is awaiting creation..."
Hallie Austen Iglehart
Does this resonate...?
“A new consciousness and a totally new morality are necessary to bring about a radical change in the present culture and social structure. This is obvious, yet the Left and the Right and the revolutionary seem to disregard it. Any dogma, any formula, any ideology is part of the old consciousness; they are the fabrications of thought whose activity is fragmentation - the Left, the Right, the centre. This activity will inevitably lead to bloodshed of the Right or of the Left or to totalitarianism. This is what is going on around us. One sees the necessity of social, economic, and moral change but the response is from the old consciousness, thought being the principal actor. The mess, the confusion, and the misery that human beings have got into are within the area of the old consciousness, and without changing that profoundly,every human activity- political, economic or religious- will only bring us to the destruction of each other and of the earth.”
You can't copy anybody and end up with anything. If you copy, it means you're working without any real feeling....Billie Holiday from The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women...a portable mentor.....
A prayer....
May my feet rest firmly on the ground May my head touch the sky May I see clearly May I have the capacity to listen May I be free to touch May my words be true May my heart and mind be open May my hands be empty to fill the need May my arms be open to others May my gifts be reveled to me So I may return that which has been given Completing the great circle. ~the therma collective
....peace please
"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." — Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist)
I'm a mixed media fiber artists...A lifetime ago I attended a Goddess Doll Workshop given by jasa Johnson..the experience changed my life. It is there thatI met my muse...the Goddess Nu Kua. Her myth is that she created the world but was all alone with the beauty of it. So she created human spirits to keep her company and share in the magic. In my life she has provided me with endless inspiration to create the divine feminine in the form of what I call Spirit Figures..When she came into my life everything about my journey changed...
The Spirit Figures I create with her guidance feel as though they have more than just form...they have spirit. They have found homes all over the world...what a gift for me...xo
“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.” Robert Fritz
Peggy, our five cats, and I, live in a modest 69-year-old house in a
slowly deteriorating neighborhood. In the past five months we’ve spent:
$11,000 for a...
As the season turns, autumn to winter,
I am taking another one of Páivi's classes, called: Joyful Coloring.
It is all watercolor pencils. So drawing...
Photo by Todd Robertson Update: 5 years after this post, after
Charlottesville, and hate still rises, ugly and foul. I still hold the
question: what is my ...
What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and
typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy
text eve...
fluffy snowflakes are blanketing the view from my studio window. bodhi is
dreaming of squirrels and the next door cat, so is unaware of his favorite
Welcome to 2020 and the beginning of a brand new creative decade for us
all! I’m excited to share a gift created just for you. This ‘Pay
Attention‘ ...
Burning Bowls Finally Available!
Burning Bowl #1 Front
Hello everyone! New Burning Bowls are finally ready. I broke my upper arm
recently but fortunately...
Painting and waxing done.. To tell the truth, the waxing was harder on my
hands then the painting with the brush.. I used a piece of cotton sheeting
and w...
I just updated the list of upcoming events in the right sidebar.
September, October, November, and December are always busy months for
artists and this ye...
Grateful for the opportunity to share a little about my world, and my
reasons for quilting!
Check out the blog post HERE.
And if you're ever searching fo...
Throughout the month of November, I will post a photo (or perhaps a few)
each day of something that invited me to pause and lifted up gratitude,
joy, perha...
"Perennail Sunflower", 18 x 24, pastel
Sunflowers do something to me I can't explain. They are exquisite in every
stage of their life from the bud to t...
I begin again...perhaps today will come easier in my
being able to post here.
Yesterday, I spent almost two hours not only trying
different ways to be...
[image: Step 1: Paper mache covers guitar]
paper mache skin on half-size guitar
I send all best to you as we wind down this mysterious time of the natural ...
If you're a airy being or anyone that's apprehend about accepted
principles, Metaphysics or chase the article of Dr. Wayne Dyer... you'll
accept what he...
(just a pic, cause I can't do a post without one!)
So, once again it has been two months since I have posted anything - and
this will be very short an...
Yesterday was a sad day once again in Taiji.......
This was Jiyu a captive dolphin that was held in the Sea Pens at the
Dolphins Base in Taiji......
Pic. ...
Loving-Kindness as Thought is Tranquility. Loving-Kindness as Speech is Softness. Loving-Kindness as Activity is Altruism. Loving-Kindness as Practice is Peace.
....thank you Sue
In the works....
In the works......Spirit Mask Workshop....june 20, 21....two half days. If you're interested send me email and I'll give you the
from past workshops....
Dear Julie! The pleasure was definitely all mine!!! I love what we created and the time spent with the nice women and YOU!!! I named my doll "Avia". She is proudly hanging with all of yours in my living room. I thought you would like to know that I have started 3 more. I have "Mother Nature" ready to get a body, a cat (who's head is a bit large and heavy?? ack! and a small face, yet to be determined. I bought decorative pieces and fabrics based on "feeling" as I shop along. I feel as if you have opened a whole new world to me, and for that I thank and bless you, my friend! I am amazed at my own ability to restrain myself and not feel "rushed" to completion on these soft sculptures. I like to let them make their own "evolution" of sorts. I usually feel a sense of urgency to get things done quickly, to see it done, but not with these. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and love. I love you and your beautiful soul. Hugs, Lisa
Hi Julie,
Well no wonder I was drawn to it - I've been calling Celtic energy to myself for several years now! :-)
I loved the workshop, being surrounded by women's energy, tapping into creative energy, and just giving myself a day to be free. And, I love my doll! She has an honored place in my home.
Thank you so much for sharing your creative inspiration with us!
Peace and blessings, Alcia
I loved the "entire" day. Good play, good times, good food, great company! My "goddess" is wonderful. It's amazing how everyone created their own "person" - THANK YOU!!!
My friends Ellen, Laurel and Alisha also had a great day. Can't wait for your mask workshop!!
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
Buddha said, "What you are is what you have been, what you will be is what you do now." Padmasambhava said, "If you want to know your past life, look into your present condition; if you want to know your future life, look at your present actions." ....from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Julie, it so does! Inspiring, awesome and very life-affirming. I think I have watched it over 10 times now, and still get choked up.
I was and am in tears! You are so right, it is AWESOME! Thank you for sharing this Julie.
I watched it and passed it along to my mailing list. She was on NBC news tonight, BTW.
Do you know she has never been kissed?...she dedicated her whole life to caring for her mother...
Her story is so good, I can hear Hollywood knocking....
The woman sings like an angel! I was in tears by the time she was very inspiring (and humbling at the same time)
Kathy, I've watched several times now because she sings like an angel just like you said...and each time the tears come...
I think the pundits are wrong in believing we humans wouldn't tune in to a "good news" program showing our blessings and kindnesses....the things that happen we can cheer for and feel good about humanity. I love miracles and they happen all the time...hug, hug
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