This is what I'm working on for the next show Timberline Gallery. The show is called Being Green and my inspiration is from Deb @ Katura Greetings....... Walk lightly in the Spring; Mother Earth is pregnant. (Kiowa), thank you Deb. For this show Timberline artists are being encouraged to work outside of our comfort zone..My piece will have very little fiber..maybe none... I have a little over a week to complete her for hanging on April 6th.
Her missing parts were added today.and she looks much better...but I'm not exactly sure where I'm going from here.
But it will "come to you" as you continue working on her. It's interesting that we are both writing about what we have in mind for the Green Show. And we're both still working on it! And it's a week from tomorrow! YIKES! What am I doing HERE right now?
(Seriously, I have 2 paintings ready to go, one of them that I did specifically for this show. But I'm working on some very small things, too, and I'm not sure they'll be ready either--nor do I know where I'm going with them! Maybe this is yet another meaning for "green"--hmmmmmmmm. . . .)
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