....bits of her

Here is the little pile of this and that for his companion...

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carol l mckenna said...

Looks like you are going to have fun and create another wonderful doll!

Glad you liked my "smile box" ~ It thanks to you that I found out about the smile box ~ so thank you ~ This "virtual" world is one big learning curve ~ but what fun ~

Hugs and namaste,
Carol (artmusedog)

julie said...

It is a learning curve for sure...I do enjoy your blog and the positive way you're looking at life. One of the places I go to get a positive lift when I need it is called the Positive Living Center here in the foothills...I wish you were close, I think you'd enjoy it...mamaste, julie

Kathleen Mattox said...

It will be fun to watch the "bits of her" evolve into his companion. I look forward to it.

Kathleen (Mixed Messages)

carol l mckenna said...

Julie ~ maybe next winter it might be a place to vist in January ~ are they open then?

Thanks for thinking of me ~ love your work & started my first art doll yester day ~ I tend to be a "less is more designer" but will see how Earth Child evolves ~ reading everything I can to learn about the various styles and techniques ~ Hugs and namaste, Carol (artmusedog)

julie said...

Can't wait to see Earth Child...Are you going to share photos as she evolves?
PLC is open all year is a "church" of sorts. They offer classes in metaphysics, and study based on Science of the Mind, Ernest Holmes. It's all about positive thinking....and how it's a choice.
enjoy, julie

Linsart said...

Hey Julie, I love love love your spirit dolls ! Notice the 3 loves? One just wasn't enough! Great use of fabric, textures and colors. Thanks for the post on my blog. Art On !

julie said...

Thank you Linda...I love them too, they are part of my heart...j

julie said...

Carol...The companion for the little guy is done...she is just waiting to have her photo shoot...j
ps...he already looks happier!

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