Not too long ago I was walking my dogs and a cat up in the ‘back forty’…Maia and Zoe we’re up in front of me and around the bend on the path we have worn. I looked over my shoulder, ever alert for Miss Deer, and sure enough she was about 100 yards behind me…..We saw each other at the same time…her tail went up and she start prancing in my direction, happy to see me…THEN she got closer she saw Maia…this is when the Deer morphed into something much different than Bambi......
Her ears went back and all her fur, and she has a very thick winters coat, went straight up and out from her body making her look bigger, her eyes took on a glow and she started RUNNING towards Maia.
Well let me tell you, my heart took a huge leap in my chest, recognizing before my head did, that I needed to keep Maia out of harms way. I turned toward the Deer and made a loud growling, roaring sound and she stopped..... thank me enough time to get Maia by the collar and start down the hill…..with Deer in hot pursuit……
Believe me, never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision running from a scary looking deer. I never thought a deer could look scary! Maia and I got inside the gate and I latched it….by then Maia was wanting to mix it up with the Deer so she was barking and running up and down the fence, with the Deer still looking much like something out of a dream gone wrong.....prancing around, pawing at the ground and making a very strange sound…somewhat like a cross between a cow and a goat.
I cried and cried that night, I think over my loss of innocence. I have mentioned here I had noticed a change between how the Deer and Maia were interacting… more play…but I didn’t think it had advanced to such a energetically violent stage….these two DO NOT LIKE each other.
And their relationship is very strange.....the other day I went to the door and Maia was pressed against it as hard as possible, and there was the Deer, about 3 feet from Maia all bushed up and with fire in her eyes….no soft doe eyes here….but Maia wasn’t wanting to do battle…she wanted in the house.
Anyway I cried because she scared me, because we can't be friends, not really....and because I don’t want bad things to happen. I was angry at the people who humanized her. I was mad at my husband for not being scary enough to run her off and keep her from coming back. I cried because she lives such a solitary existence and she seems to want to be part of something,
And as I sit here writing I can see that she snoozing up behind the house in the sun…what to do? what to do? enjoy, julie