Where does that fear come from that locks us in place?
What if today was a beginning and end?
What if we cut those ties that are so tight we have to remind ourselves to breathe?
What if we silenced those voices from within and without
when they say,
can't, won't, shouldn't, couldn't?
What if we release the pain that has become a comfort, and a safe place to hide?
What if stepped away from the judgement and disrespect of others?
What if we no longer let another's vision for us keep us from our authentic selves?
What if we stopped self-sabotaging?
What if we put our toxic waste in a box, blessed it, forgave it, tied it up
tight with string
and kicked it down the road?
What if we practiced compassion, empathy?
What if we weren't afraid of tears?
What if we practiced joy?
What if we made room for the inspired?
What if we turned the noise down?
What if stepped away from the path that no longer calls to us?
What if we painted the picture we want to step into?
and stepped into it barefooted?
What if we took
our long buried dreams out from their hiding place
and held them to the light?
What if we danced with them?
What if we embraced the gift of them?
What if we believed?
What if we relaxed?
What if today was the day we pulled up the words
from deep within
and spoke our truth to one and all?
Or just one?
What if we cared?
What if we honored ourselves?
What if we asked for what we need?
What if we reached out to each other in support?
What if as a tribe we chased away loneliness, and fear,
and poverty?
What if we embraced our true and loving hearts?
What if we stopped lying?
What if we asked for forgiveness?
What if we forgave?
Not just them, but ourselves.
What if we loved unconditionally?
Not just us, but them?
What if we became pilgrims of peace?
What if we really stepped into life?
What if we chose to live?
What if I did it today?
And what if we don't?
Bless you and your beautiful caring heart! I think it's a good idea to ask ourselves these questions often, just to keep us on the right track. To remind us of what's really important in life. Thank you for the reminder.
Love and hugs,
Yes... what if. What if we changed out minds about everything negative and painful?
I thought about that the other day. If I can change my mind about what I want to wear in an instant, what if I could change my mind instantly about anything?
"What if today was a beginning and end?"
I'm gonna need than a day. In fact, I might need more time than I have left.
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