...the second Bill of Rights

I really don't enjoy posting political stuff...and so many others do it so much better than I do...I don't really enjoy writing about the mess the world is in..
but then if we never talk about it...that's not good either.

We are coming to the end of a year of political finger pointing. 
Almost time to elect the next President....  The Republicans, and the Democrats, both say they feel our pain out here in the real world....but I don't believe them.

Both parties say they will fix things, but they don't.

I read somewhere that 40% of voters don't want to cast their vote for either of the platforms being put forward.  Someone said it is like choosing between Coke and Pepsi. 
Sure they acknowledge it's bad out here in the land of the 99%, 
but do they really have any idea how desperate and alone so many are feeling? 
 How hopeless?

It's hard to understand why there is so much 
real hardship in a country like ours, a country with so much wealth and potential.

But when you consider the cost of war and start following the money trail...
when you consider the possibility that the next president 
 will have offshore, tax free, bank accounts, and it isn't even an issue, well it says a lot about the priorities of those in charge...and it sort of boggles the mind.

It just doesn't feel right, or is it just me?

As some of you know I love Thom Hartmann. 
I find his show The Big Picture  informative and enlightening
...he really knows the constitution...and history,  
and has a way of really getting to the heart of things..
The other day I was listening to him talk about the the economy.....
he asks, "What is the purpose of the Economy?''.....that thing that drives our lives.

I hope you'll's pretty interesting......


Snowbrush said...

Can you imagine a politician today using a word like necessitous?

I'm certainly one of those who hates the thought of voting, and don't know if I can bring myself to vote for Obama again.

P.S. Julie, you might want to consider monitoring comments. I'm about to make my third attempt to get the letters right. It does get awfully tedious.

Snowbrush said...

Can you imagine a politician today using a word like necessitous?

I'm certainly one of those who hates the thought of voting, and don't know if I can bring myself to vote for Obama again.

P.S. Julie, I'm about to make my seventh attempt to get the letters right so that my comment can go through. After this, I'm going to stop leaving comments on your blog, but I will continue to read it.

julie said...

Good morning Snow...
I understand about voting...I wonder what would happen if no one voted for either candidate? If we all just stayed home...I guess then there would just be a coronation.
I'm not sure what you mean about the comments issue...I know that I had a difficult time creating a post...blogger has been giving me a hard time...nothing looked like what I wanted it too...sigh...let me know, what I need to do and I will...enjoy your day Snow...thanks for coming by...xo

Snowbrush said...

"I wonder what would happen if no one voted for either candidate? "

It would be a dream come true and would send a message like no other. I truly don't think I can vote for Obama again, so I don't know who I will write in.

"I'm not sure what you mean about the comments issue...

You have it set so that everyone who leaves a comment on your blog has to copy hard to read letters and numerals into a box. I sometimes have to do this over and over before my comment is accepted. An option that you might want to consider is to change your settings so that comments didn't appear until you read and approve them--this would eliminate the verification box altogether. I just wanted you to know that I anticipate leaving fewer comments because it's so tedious to have to try over and over before I get enough of the letters and numerals correct that my comment is accepted.

julie said...

Thanks for the heads up Snow...I don't care much for the word verification either. I changed my settings which were automatically set when Google switched me from the classic to the new improved

Wouldn't that be one heck of a HUGE message...We find both of you unacceptable!! I don't know what I will do either when voting day comes...xo

Vivian Helena said...

You might consider listening to the other side some times. Romney, who they say does not care about the people donated about 29% of his income above 14% taxes that he paid. Compared with about $300.00 for Biden.
You might also like to check and see what part George Sorros plays in our government.
Listening to both sides is beneficial.

In reference to the letters one has to type when posting. I recently took mine off, because people were having such a tough time with them.

Snowbrush said...

"Biden’s return shows $379,178 in adjusted gross income, along with $30,019 in mortgage interest and $5,350 in donations.

I got the above from Forbes ( Where did your figure come from?

julie said...

Vivian...You seemed to have missed the point of my post, which was that I think a Second Bill of Rights is a good idea. Along with the ending of American wars and occupations.
I'm not sure what it is you want me to look at the other side of?? I don't think I expressed a preference for either side if you are speaking of the two main political parties...I commend Mr. Romney for making donations. In fact I didn't say anything negative about him...I simply expressed my dismay that it is acceptable for a potential President of the United States of America to have offshore bank accounts in order to avoid paying taxes on income made in the USA.... and he recently acknowledged to the National Review that he established funds in the Cayman Islands for the explicit purpose of helping wealthy investors avoid paying American taxes. I find these things troubling and wonder why everyone doesn't??

As for comparing Vice President Biden and Mr. Romney, Romney is worth about $200,000,000 more than Mr. Biden and that is just Romney's taxable income and does not include what is in the numerous offshore bank accts. labeled as 'not reported to the IRS'..So the numbers are bound to vary greatly for donations...and let's not forget 10% of Mr. Romney's donation total went to the Mormon church as a mandatory tithing ....

Snowbrush said...

"let's not forget 10% of Mr. Romney's donation total went to the Mormon church as a mandatory tithing ...."

Indeed, it's not a charitable offering but the price of salvation.

julie said...

Snow...isn't there something about a rich man, a camel, a needle and heaven?
Vivian I know very little about George Soros...but I do know he donated 35 million to underprivileged children in N.Y in 2009...and 50 million to children in Africa. A drop in the bucket really.... Soros has given away over $8 billion to human rights, public health, and education causes between 1979 - 2011...

Snowbrush said...

"isn't there something about a rich man, a camel, a needle and heaven?"

After I wrote last, I remembered that and wished I had used it. The point of the parable was to illustrate that wealth is an obstacle to getting into heaven.

I actually wasn't impressed by his charitable contributions since he no doubt anticipated a bid for office and realized that he would be accused of lacking compassion for his stance on health care, an accusation that could be mitigated to some extent if he appeared generous. Then too, he would still have in the neighborhood of $9 million left to cover his expenses for the year, including the car elevator for his latest mansion

julie said...

Snow...I'm not impressed with anything about Mr. Romney. And everyday he says something that makes me wonder what planet he lives on...
What kind of business man thinks it is cheaper to wait until you need medical help so badly you need to call an ambulance...Doesn't affordable preventive medicine make more sense? But as he has stated he really only feels the need to be concerned about the half the nation who can afford health insurance...And the insanity is to me is that so many of the less fortunate half of the population are going to vote for him even knowing that his policies will not be about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all....sigh...

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