"Is this not obvious? Aren't you already aware of existing? Don't you already feel the simple Feeling of Being? Don't you already possess this immediate gateway to ultimate Spirit, which is nothing other than the the simple Feeling of Being?
And don't you already realize that this Feeling is Spirit itself?
Godhead itself? Emptiness itself?
Spirit does not pop into existence: it is the only thing that is constant in your experience...and that is the simple Feeling of Being itself, a subtle, constant, background awareness that, if you look very closely, very carefully, you will realize you have had ever since the Big Band and before...
not because you existed way back when,
but because you truly exist prior to time,
in this timeless moment,
whose feeling is the simple Feeling of Being:
now, and now, and always and forever now.
You feel the simple Feeling of Being?
Who is not already enlightened?"
Ken Wilber...The Simple Feeling of Being
What beautiful artwork!
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