Ten Commandments for Creative Women/Men
Creativity is best nurtured in a focused atmosphere. Recognizing the distractions which life can provide, we offer these tenets to provide guidance and support to all.
1. You will always remember: You are a creative woman'man.
2. You will honor your creativity by nurturing it.
3. You will honor your sister’s creativity by nurturing it also.
4. You will allow yourself to take creative risks.
5 You will use your creativity to express and increase the beauty of the world.
6. You will use your creativity to express truth.
7. You will use your creativity to see more beauty.
8. You will allow yourself and your art to be a work in progress.
9. You will allow your creativity to be the “true voice” you hear when others may scoff.
10. You will accept and love yourself during times of feeling fallow, trusting this quiet time is necessary to precede new birth or creation.
from.... Moondance.org
A week or so ago I received an email inviting me to join the Inspiring Women Summit, you may have got one too.
.it looked like it might be rich with feminine wisdom, so I signed up..
.it only took a minute
...it started on Saturday May 1
It's free
It's a teleconference thing, but if you miss a call you can download the session later or read the transcripts.
I haven't been part of the teleconferencing yet, but I have uploaded some of the of sessions and I've enjoyed what I heard and I'll go back for more.
It may turn out to be a real tool for growth and change and connection....
I think it might be...
during the first session it is stated that the world needs more, and stronger feminine energy...
Some of the topics to be covered..
A few of the speakers Sona Choquette, Marianne Williamson, Sherry Anderson, way too many for me to remember..lol
Maybe we will see each other there?