Intentions compressed into
words enfold magical power.
Deepak Chopra
It’s 2011...I am so ready!!…
I’ll bet you've spent some time in reflection about your 2010 experiences…I have too.
I probably started right after I got back from the San Francisco show..,,,
I probably started right after I got back from the San Francisco show..,,,
It is amazing to me how much took place in the last 52 weeks…
changes in my personal, spiritual, and my art life.....
of course they are merged.
A change in one area has effect on the other two…
it’s good when I keep that in mind.
changes in my personal, spiritual, and my art life.....
of course they are merged.
A change in one area has effect on the other two…
it’s good when I keep that in mind.
2010 was very good to me…filled with memorable experiences and teachers…
Many doors opened for me….
I felt an instant kinship with many new people who came into my life…
Some came and went quickly, others have stayed long enough so that we are experiencing change together…walking together for a while…
I have been blessed with people who lift me higher....
and those who challenge me...
Many doors opened for me….
I felt an instant kinship with many new people who came into my life…
Some came and went quickly, others have stayed long enough so that we are experiencing change together…walking together for a while…
I have been blessed with people who lift me higher....
and those who challenge me...
And now it is time to set my intent for the new year....
I don’t do New Year Resolutions….
I think they set me up for failure…but I do believe in setting intent…
.I like to really think about what it is I want to welcome into the new year…
then send the invitation out into the Universe…
I don’t do New Year Resolutions….
I think they set me up for failure…but I do believe in setting intent…
.I like to really think about what it is I want to welcome into the new year…
then send the invitation out into the Universe…
for this I need clear vision….and I'm not quite there many possibilities..
I believe the more precise the intent is, the more likely it is I will see the opportunities to help me along the way to attainment…
When I set an intention I don‘t know how I’ll get there
But I believe by sending it out to the Universe and opening up,
I am calling that future,
that dream toward me…
pulling that destiny into my present moment……
I believe the Universe will show me the path……
I look at the word attainment and I think it isn’t material things I want, it is experiences…
I am wealthy with possibilities and in many ways it is because of all the creative people around me…
I look at the people in my life and I am amazed by the incredible wealth of knowledge and experience they share with me…
they are a kaleidoscope of love and creativity sending out this wave of good stuff that trickles down and around and inspires me to be better.
And even as scary as the world sometimes looks to me, I still have the belief, the hope,
that things are changing for the better…
that things are changing for the better…
that there will be a shift and the world will wake up. …
I believe the Tribes are gathering for change…
that’s us….One of my intents is to continue to create my figures…
I think art is a powerful force in the world…
I think the stories we share are powerful too…
Our experiences are usually very different than what we hear from corporate news…we don‘t have to accept what they tell us is reality…we don‘t have to believe in their wars, we don’t have to buy into the ’us’ vs. ’them’...we don't have to accept that there is lack..
not enough to go around....…
This is a small planet and we are in this together..... we don‘t have to be afraid of each other…most of us want the same things, family, friends, freedom to choose our life path,
a safe place to call home, love...
He is a reason to care...
The news that is broadcast to us all day, everyday is filled with bad new and things to keep us afraid of each other‘s surprising any of us leave our homes…the people who deliver the negative to us everyday are fear mongers, intent on keeping us afraid and in the dark…
but we are not separate…
we share this little blue planet…and our intent can make a difference...
and we don‘t have to walk alone…
we can gather and support each other in our vision of a peaceful world..
an abundant world....
holding on to that vision, that intent,
the belief that we we can be the change we want to see in the world…step by step…
it is up to us…
I can make a difference…I believe together we will make a difference...…
it is up to us…
I can make a difference…I believe together we will make a difference...…
Intention is the core of all conscious life.
It is our intentions that create karma, our intentions that help others,
our intentions that lead us away from the delusions of individuality
toward the immutable verities of enlightened awareness.
Conscious intention colors and moves everything.
It is our intentions that create karma, our intentions that help others,
our intentions that lead us away from the delusions of individuality
toward the immutable verities of enlightened awareness.
Conscious intention colors and moves everything.
Master Hsing Yun
Everything you've just shared I hold the hope for too Dear One!
How could I not and be present in each and every moment?
I've been meaning to share something personal with you...something I created some time ago, that looks almost exactly like one of your paintings...I haven't finished it yet but it is so similar it is uncanny...we may have been in the same heart vibration at the very same I have you intrigued? :)
Well, anyway, thank you so much for this is very near and dear to my heart, and I hope everyone can seize this intentional imprint for the edification of their own spirit and soul.
Very Many Blessings to You as you move even futher into 2011...this will be a year of pivotal change for all of humanity.
In Divine Love,
Akasa...thank you for your always touching and wise comments...
I also believe that 2011 is going to be a year of dramatic prayer is that The Tribes will be the force behind it...Certainly we will have our truth tested.
And yes! I am intrigued...Please share your creation with me...xoxo love,love
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