.....California Fiber Artists @ Arts Visalia

Friend and fabulous artist and teacher Lura Shwartz Smith....
this is the woman who against all odds,
drew enough helpers to put together the Peace Mandala, or thangka, I blogged about several months ago...
Our portion was of the Buddha sitting under the bohdi tree....
I was a leaf maker...there were a lot of leaves
We had one month to put together 36 - 3' x 4' panels, which when joined together was 18' x 25' and the only way we could really view it was to take it to the local telephone company and hang it from their roof.
It was part of a world wide effort to create the life of Buddha in a thangka....
It was an incredible experience.

The other doll artist in our group is janet Coshow....
I love this wonderful figure!

Me and my Walk on the Wild Side Shaman

Me with Maiden and Mother...
Crone didn't get to come... member Sherry Kleinman, Kevin Bowman ~ arts visalia curator and a very nice man, CfA member Benita Dodge, Lura and me... Sherry and Benita both traveled for 3 hours to get to the gallery... one from the north and one from the south. We are standing in front of Benita's gorgeous piece. It was so nice to meet California Fiber Artists members...for the most part we only know each other via our yahoo group. The reception was very well attended and the gallery looked fabulous. I have more photos to post later...


Snowbrush said...

I always enjoy your photos of yourself.

Sue said...

This looks like a fascinating show - thank you for posting pics of it!

Renee said...

You look fantastic Julie and it looks like it was a great show.

Was it?

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Julie you are so beautiful in spirit. I wish we could grab a cup of tea.

Thank you for your heartfelt comment. Yes, it is so hard to think of children eating mud pies.

Love Renee xoxo

julie said...

Thank you me they are hard to put up...the camera and I aren't on real friendly terms..
Sue, It was an interesting show...I'll post more of the quilts was made out of round tea bags, the tea still inside..and the Birthing Bed was also interesting and I couldn't tell what material were used.
Thank you Renee...I had fun...and thank you for your comment on my post to your blog...the whole starving children thing is just so hard to this day and age how can it happen?...I guess the human race just isn't as evolved as I would like to believe.
hug, hug

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely ladies with amazing art, perfection.

Janet Coshow said...

Great photos. Thanks for including my hobo in the grouping. Our group is so talented!!!

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